Estimated reading time: 2 Min
Finance Manager
This year marked 20 years since Alison joined RMJM. She works as part of the Core Team as a Finance Manager. Her knowledge and understanding of the company and its history are unrivalled and she is often the first port of call for the Marketing Team when they need context on a project or studio. She is a sharp statistician whose Northern-charm and irrefutable logic positions her as a master diplomat during office debates. During her time at RMJM, Alison has made herself an irreplaceable member of the RMJM family so we were delighted to get to spend some time interviewing her for the #StriveLikeAGirl campaign.
What Do You Do?
A: I’m a Finance Manager for RMJM, responsible for crunching the numbers for management review. Having been in the architecture industry for a number of years, I’m often also used as the RMJM encyclopedia to help the Marketing Team.
Who Inspires You?
A: My children. Their abundance for learning, constant questioning and endless energy inspire me every day and boost my motivation.
What Led You To Your Career?
A: My love of numbers combined with my interest in business led me down the accounting route. When I left university I still wasn’t sure whether accounting was for me, however, when I started working in the architecture industry I realised I enjoyed managerial accounting and found my place.
What Role Do You Think Gender Plays In The Architecture Industry?
A: It offers an equilibrium of ideas and skills. Gender balanced teams seem to be performing better.
How Has The Industry Changed For Women During Your Time In It?
A: Architecture historically had a reputation for being a male-oriented industry. I have noticed that over the years this has begun to change, and I am lucky to work alongside some fantastic women in RMJM.
What Changes Still Need To Come?
A: More representation is needed, especially for women in senior roles. While there are many more women in the industry now, they are still underrepresented in the highest positions.
What Is The Best Professional Decision You Ever Made?
A: To complete my ACCA qualification. It has given me the tools to grow professionally and it helps me to continue to learn and develop.
What Is A Piece of Advice You Would Give To Women Entering The Industry?
A: Believe in yourself and your ability, and be strong.