School of Engineering & Applied Science


St Louis, USA




Science & Technology


65,000 m²





The $85 million Steven F. and Camilla T. Brauer Hall academic research building was completed in 2010. The first phase of the School of Engineering’s master plan, the facility is home to the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering (EECE), as well as the University’s highly successful Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the International Centre for Advanced Renewable Energy & Sustainability (I-CARES).

Brauer Hall serves as the hub of the Engineering Quad, which totals 65,000 m² of academic and research space for the Engineering and Applied Science disciplines on campus. Designed to be the signature piece of the Quad, Brauer is a blend of authentically detailed classical and gothic motifs in the fashion of Cope and Stewardson’s original vision for the Washington University campus.

The granite and limestone exterior features a classical arcade and hand-carved stone ornament in keeping with the rich architectural tradition on campus. In addition to research lab space, the 14,000 m² building houses the Engineering Board room, a tiered distance-learning class space with 80 seats, teaching laboratories, and a vivarium.

Consistent with Washington University’s commitment to sustainable design, Brauer Hall was certified LEED Gold and serves as a practical teaching example of green design for its students, faculty and visitors. The design incorporates photovoltaic technology, a wind turbine, and re-uses a 100-year-old brick tunnel passing below the site as a cistern for storm water retention.