American International School of Doha


Doha, Qatar




Existing: 26,000 m²
New Construction: 20,000 m²





RMJM programmed and designed both new and renovated spaces for the American School of Doha Campus in Qatar, a result of the school population doubling in size from 800 to 1,600 students.

Architects designed new middle and high school facilities to complement the existing buildings. The original buildings themselves were transformed into a state-of-the-art Elementary School. The resulting composition was a campus of interlocking courtyards and playing fields featuring a distinct identity for each complex, experienced independently from the rest of the campus. This solution helped break down the large size of student population into more manageable group sizes.

Four distinct ‘centres’ were designed: two for the elementary school (lower and upper elementary), along with one each for the middle school and high school programs. Throughout the school, the best practices for pedagogical openness, flexibility of spaces and ad-hoc social interaction have been integrated into the design of the new and renovated spaces, avoiding formulaic hallways and boxy classrooms. Interaction between teachers and students and team planning was actively encouraged through the extensive use of glass and meeting spaces in lieu of many private offices. The best practices for energy use, solar exposure, and security were also significant considerations in the design process.