DHA Karachi Masterplan


Karachi, Pakistan




Urban Planning






Under Construction

In collaboration with lead consultants Osmani & Company (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi, Pakistan, Doxiadis Associates and Professor Spiro Pollalis as chief planner, RMJM won a design competition in August 2010 to undertake the master planning study of DHA City in Karachi on an 11,640 acre rural site. The detailed master plan of the area includes residential, commercial & recreational facilities.

The entire master plan approach for this new city is focused on Sustainable Design Principles.

The goals of sustainable design have been adopted across the City Gateway and Downtown districts as well as in the Residential sectors. A strategy has been laid out that looks at maintaining the ecological integrity of the site through the preservation and incorporation of prominent natural features that are integrated as green fingers and wind corridors.

There is a strong focus on the promotion of pedestrian movement along shaded and tree-lined pathways in order to improve the quality of life for the downtown employees, visitors and residents. To support this the Ekistics theory has been adopted across the planning of the sixteen Residential Sectors.

This theory promotes the concept of mixed use residential areas by applying multiple centers, spreading the facilities such as commerce, amenities and parks throughout the areas.

Alongside this, a street-car transportation system is seen as an integral part of the development, with road networks planned in a way that allows for cul-de sacs within the residential sectors thus keeping non specific traffic out, and a car free central spine has been maintained throughout the Downtown District.